What Is Ohm's Law?


This is a law that was developed by Georg Ohm. This law is used to describe the relationship between current, voltage and resistance. It was first published in 1827. Georg Ohm was an electrician and mathematician. He is responsible for discovering the law of resistance. The equation that describes the relationship between current, voltage and resistance is called ohm's law.

However, it is not limited to just three essential components; instead, it can increase or decrease depending on the devices used. The law was developed when electricity was only used for lighting and heating purposes. This law has been applied to many other electronic and electrical drives.

According to ohm's law, current must be measured in units of amperes (A), the voltage must be measured in units of volts (V), and resistance must be measured in units of ohms (Ω). The formula for ohm's law is V = IR. If the values are adjusted to SI units, the formula would be I = V/R.

This formula has a broad range of applications. This formula can be used to design and analyse systems like generators, transformers, rectifiers, power supplies, circuits, and semiconductors.

Electrician uses it to determine the value of resistors in electronic circuit design. In addition, these formulas are also used for determining voltage drops or potential drops across the components in a circuit. Voltage drops are also helpful in calculating power losses in electronic circuits.

This apparatus is used to measure current, voltage and resistance. According to this machine, an object will feel a force if connected between two points that have different charges hence creating a difference of potential (voltage). This mechanism works on an electric circuit; therefore, it is measured in voltage.

This device uses the law to measure voltage, current, and resistance; hence, these quantities can be applied in various electrical circuits. Resistance is also measured by applying a certain amount of current through a cell to capture as much energy as possible from an electron oscillation.

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